ANatural Gas to Energy Company
RealEnergy develops gas to energy plants. Every size and shape. This fleet includes over 40 clean and green onsite power plants, coast to coast.
Biogas for Cogeneration and Vehicle Fuel
Onsite cogeneration plants and compressed natural gas vehicles can run on clean renewable natural gas, biogas. This is present day gas from organic waste – not ancient fossil fuel, delivered through existing natural gas pipelines.
This negative carbon fuel actually cleans the air of greenhouse gas while providing renewable energy/fuel.
Capturing Organic Waste & Landfill Diversion
Mechanical/Biologic Treatment (MBT) technologies are now extruding an organic slurry out of black-bin Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).
A RealOrganic Transfer Station™ located at an existing MSW Transfer Station, can extrude an organic slurry to be trucked to a nearby network of anaerobic digesters (private facilities and public wastewater treatment plants) for conversion to biogas.
Digesting Waste and Producing Biogas